Governance Structures in the Jordan Valley

EcoFuture is based on the WEFE Nexus to combat desertification in the Jordan Valley. One of the deliverables of the project is mapping the governance structures in the Jordan Valley.

To gain a better understanding of the challenges facing the effective management of WEFE resources, the project delves into the existing governance structures in Jordan, Israel and Palestine. These are the key stakeholders involved in water, energy, food and ecosystem sectors.

To manage the WEFE Nexus, 95 stakeholders have to be involved in the Jordan valley; 33 stakeholders in the water sector, 29 stakeholders in the Energy sector, 22 stakeholders in the Food sector and 11 stakeholders in the Ecosystem sector.

The multitude and variety of the entities that are involved in the management of each sector, and the division of responsibilities that are not clear, make the governance of WEFE in the JV an extremely complicated procedure. The political level is excessively involved in the day-to-day management of each sector which results in the weakening of the water, energy, food and ecosystem nexus and the corresponding challenges.

Ecosystem governance in the Jordan Valley presents a multifaceted challenge, given the region’s distinct geopolitical and environmental characteristics. This critical and delicate ecosystem of JV faces various environmental and resource management issues.

Key governance challenges in the Jordan Valley are the following:

  • Water Resources Management
  • Climate Change Adaptation
  • Institutional Framework
  • Biodiversity Conservation
  • Land Use Planning
  • International Cooperation
  • Community Engagement
  • Research and Monitoring

WEFE governance in the Jordan Valley transcends political boundaries, involving a complex interplay of stakeholders, policies, and conservation efforts. This approach recognizes that administrative borders do not confine ecosystems and that their health and sustainability are crucial for local communities and the global environment. Effective WEFE management requires a collaborative, cross-sectoral, and interdisciplinary approach.

This Deliverable was submitted November 2023.