Knowledge Hub
Communication and Dissemination Activities
WP1 WEFE Analysis
- D1.1 Mapping of WEFE Resources of the JV (M12) – The report will contain a mapping and an estimation of available and future projected WEFE resources in each country (Jordan, Palestine, Israel)
- D1.2 Causal Loop Diagrams of the JV (M14) – The report will describe the process of developing the CLD for the region and the resulting CLD for the JV
- D1.3 Mapping of WEFE priorities (M16) – This report will contain the outcomes of the workshop where stakeholders will rank the challenges and issues in the JV and set priorities.
- D1.4 NBS bundles analysis for the optimisation of WEFE nexus within the pilots (M18) – The report will contain the analysis of various NBS in optimizing the WEFE Nexus in the JV.
WP2 Socio-Economic Analysis
- D2.1 Mapping current socio-ecological systems in JV (M12) – The report will describe the data of key indicators and synthesise the current socio-ecological situation in JV.
- D2.2 Reporting on the composition of the National and Transnational Living Labs (M12) – The report will describe the process of synthesising the National and Transnational living labs and their final composition.
- D2.3 Evaluation of WEFE alternatives (M30) – The report will contain the outcomes of task 2.3 and 2.4 and the assessment of WEFE alternatives that will be comprised of combinations/bundles of Nature Based Solutions that will optimise the WEFE Nexus and improve the wellbeing of the citizens of JV
WP3 Sustainability Assessment Analysis
- D3.1 Hydrologic Modeling of the JV (M15) – The report will contain the hydrologic simulation of the JV and the estimation of available water in each country (Jordan, Palestine, Israel)
- D3.2 Water Distribution Modeling of the JV (M15) – The report will describe the water distribution elements in the region and ouputs from models used for analysing water-distribution implications of changes in policies and other exogenous elements.
- D3.3 Energy Analysis of the JV (M15) – The report will describe the existing and short-term planning of energy supply to the JV. The spatial and temporal future expected demand for electricity and heat&power. Suggested development plans will be delivered.
- D 3.4 Ecosystem Services Modeling of the JV (M24) – The report will contain the geochemical simulation of the JV and the estimation of the ecosystem services in each country (Jordan, Palestine, Israel)
- D3.5 Climate Change Adaptation measures of the JV (M30) – The report will contain the hydrologic simulation of various climate change scenarios as well as adaptation measures for the JV
WP4 Pilot Demonstrations
- D4.1 Description of Pilot Demonstrations (M14) – The report will describe the process for site identification and a description of the construction of the 3 pilot demonstrations.
- D4.2 Operation results from the 3 pilot demonstrations (M30) – The report will include all data collected from the pilot demonstrations for integration and calculation of the impact on the welfare of the beneficiaries in the Jordan Valley
WP5 Strategic Planning for Sustainable Development
- D5.1 Mapping existing governance structures (M8) – The report will contain the description of all WEFE resources existing management structures and related regulations in each country (Jordan, Palestine, Israel)
- D5.2 Identifying conflicts, gaps and proposing changes (M14) – The report will identify the requested modifications needed in the existing WEFE resources management structure to comply with with future scenarios.
- D5.3 Use techno-economic models for evidence-based policy (M36) – The report will describe the developed models, the analysed scenarios, the simulation outputs and interpretations.
- D 5.4 Foresight analysis – crafting actions, tactics and strategy (M36) – The report will contain suggestions for: short-term (tactic) and long-term (strategic) governance setups. The suggestions will be coordinated with the three country (Jordan, Palestine, Israel)
WP6 Dissemination and Training
- D6.1 Communication and Dissemination plan (M36) – This task involves also the development of a Communication and Dissemination plan. The plan will be anchored in the general planning of the project and reviewed periodically.
- D6.2 Consortium identity and templates (M3) – Development of a visual identity (logo, colours, style elements) and guidelines for all external communication. Included are default templates for Word, Powerpoint, etc. and a set of default texts about the project.
- D6.3 Project website and social media (M6) – Both a website and social media are set-up and actively updated over time, addressing a broad audience.
- D6.4 Project leaflet (M6) – A project leaflet (small brochure) will be designed to communicate the fundamentals of the project. This leaflet will be used by all parties to describe the project.
- D6.5 Biannual electronic newsletters (M6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36) – Composing 6 electronic newsletters and distribution of them by the project partners and within the learning community.
WP7 Project Management
- D7.1 Project Management Handbook (M2) – The Project Management Handbook will summarise all the organisational structure, operating procedures and management tools of the project. It will include a Quality Assurance Plan, according to which the coordinator will assess the progress of the project, deliverables and its results at regular intervals, and measure the progress of the work in the ongoing tasks, to identify potential delays in an early stage and to introduce appropriate corrective measures. The Quality Assurance Plan will include milestones to assess and evaluate on time the progress of the project.
- D7.2 Data Management Plan (M6, M36) – The Data Management Plan describes how the research data generated by the project will be made findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
- D7.3 Summaries of the External Expert Advisory Board Meetings (M36) – This deliverable aims to provide an overview of the most important points discussed during the different External Expert Advisory Board meetings of the Ecofuture project (experts’ recommendations, partners’ comments, important issues raised, etc.). It will include an overview of the role of the Board in the project, presentation and description of the members of the Board, details of the minutes of the meetings and finally, an analysis of the recommendations of the members to the Ecofuture project