EcoFuture will develop a climate change adaptation strategic plan oriented towards improving the socio-economic welfare for the people in Jordan Valley

Water – Energy – Food – Ecosystem Nexus
thinking for sustainable future


EcoFuture.Prima1 year ago
The main objective of EcoFuture-Prima is to develop a climate-change adaptation plan oriented towards improving the socio-economic welfare for people in the Mediterranean region based on #WEFEnexus methodologies.

Learn how #EcoFuture is designed to accomplish this objective in 3 phases.
EcoFuture.Prima1 year ago
Causal Loop Diagrams provide a snapshot of key system variables and how they are interconnected. Both the structure of CLD and the ‘narrative’ behind it can help the understanding of the #WEFE system.

Learn how CLDs can help address key challenges relating to the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem Nexus here

EcoFuture.Prima1 year ago
Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem Nexus governance in the Jordan Valley transcends political boundaries, involving a complex interplay of stakeholders, policies, and conservation efforts.

One of the deliverables of the EcoFuture-Prima project is mapping the governance structures in the #jordanvalley.

Learn more about the governance structures in the Jordan Valley here |
#wefenexus #EcoFuture

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