Using the CLD Model to assess the priorities of the WEFE Nexus Challenges

The EcoFuture project is engaging stakeholders from the 3 territories in the Jordan Valley in a living lab setting to develop a common understanding on the key challenges relating to the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem (WEFE) Nexus, their interrelationships and the leverage points (action) to address them.

An innovative methodology that could accomplish this objective is the development of Causal Loop Diagrams (CLD). Causal Loop Diagrams provide a snapshot of key system variables and how they are interconnected. Both the structure of CLD and the ‘narrative’ behind it can help the understanding of the WEFE system. The development of CLD can be accomplished in three steps:

Conceptualization – This step sets the context of the analysis and the preliminarily identification of the main challenges. It mainly relies on background information, which includes evidence from previous projects and research activities, as well as feedback from policy implementation.

Mapping – Mapping involves the identification of complex web of connections among the different elements affecting the dynamic evolution of the WEFE Nexus system as well as how these elements are interrelated.

Behavior analysis – The CLD developed in the previous step can be analyzed using a combination of descriptive and structural statistics which allow for the prioritization of “Nexus challenges”, and the selection of leverage points, i.e., points in the system where local intervention could have large impacts at system scale.

The “Mapping” of the CLD for each territory is conducted in 3 phases. An initial CLD is developed based on the WEFE knowledge of each territory.  This CLD is discussed with the respective partners of the territory to identify and rank the challenges based on their acquired experience working in the Jordan Valley.  The CLD and the challenges are revised, and the new version is presented to the National Living Lab for discussion and final ranking of the challenges by the national stakeholders.  A comparison of the results of the 3 national CLD and their respective prioritization of the challenges will result in identifying the common challenges and conflicts as well identifying solution that would optimize the WEFE Nexus for the Jordan Valley.